Learning devices at XP East

All students have now had input concerning the use of ICT from Mr ap Harri this week, and consequently the use of personal devices from home such as laptops and tablets are now permitted. These should be used for educational purposes only.

Such devices will enable students to use resources that can potentially transform the way that they engage with their learning, but with this comes great responsibility. Stay tuned for updates on how we will be using Google Apps and other ICT approaches.

This ‘Acceptable Use of ICT’ policy was signed during the meetings with either myself, Mr Said or Mr Sprakes during the induction meeting process before the Summer holidays.

Devices will be connected to XP School’s wifi system, and consequently all student internet usage is monitored via the Smoothwall filtering and firewall software.

We have a store of Google Chromebooks in school for students to use if they do not own a device. We understand that devices ordered by parents from Freedom Tech will be delivered soon.