Latest news from Crew 7DP

Monday 11th Dec- We all checked in to Crew following the weekend and then our Crew Leader shared with us the true story of Cliff Young.  In 1982 Cliff Young was a 61 year old Australian farmer. He entered an ultra-marathon from Sydney to Doncaster in Melbourne, Australia. The most remarkable thing was he didn’t know that you had to sleep. He ran in his work boots against younger, and much fitter world-class athletes, and won. He didn’t know that there a prize and refused it, and he then shared the money between the other runners. This encourages us to do things differently than they may have been done before.     

Tuesday 12th Dec- Accelerated Reader. Next week we will take another literacy test.

Wednesday 13th Dec- Due to technical issues we couldn’t watch Lion that would help with our learning. So that we made productive use of Crew time, we read our Accelerated Reader books.  

Thursday 14th Dec- We watched 30 minutes of Lion to anchor the text we read. These were our key notices and wonders:

  1. The people were just standing there and when Saroo was lost. He asked for a ticket for Ginestlay but he got slapped in the face and told to move.
  2. Lack of compassion in the country and ignoring him.
  3. Two different parts of India and they both speak a different language.
  4. It wasn’t a very safe place.
  5. Stronger sense of community in Ginestlay than in Calcutta.
  6. Women working on the railway.

Friday 15th DecOur whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about.

Thanks to Ella for editing this week’s Crew blog.