Analysing the Numbers in Crew Parkinson

Last week, Crew Parkinson received their second data drop since beginning XP East. The students were graded on their academic achievement for each subject and their Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs), which are: work hard, get smart and be kind.

The students compared this to their MEG (minimum expected grade) and have each created a spreadsheet to record their data. We looked back at their data from November and compared it to March’s data to look for the progress they have made. I am pleased with how many students in Crew are on, above or well above their MEG across their subjects – this just shows how their hard work pays off. See for yourself below! 

We will spend the coming Crew sessions continuing to analyse and reflect on our grades and HOWLs. Overall, I am super impressed with the HOWL grades, however, we have identified that some students have slipped a little in their HOWLs. Therefore, we will spend time to unpick the reasons for this and how we can make a step in the right direction to improve. We also acknowledged that a lot of students in Crew have also improved their HOWLs from the last data – this is fantastic and it certainly shows when looking at students academic grades.

So, how does this compare to the other Crews? We’re definitely doing well, although there is still room for improvement. We’re currently 3rd for Work Hard, 1st for Get Smart and 2nd for Be Kind. Congratulations Crew! 

Although this post may have been an overload of numbers, they are vitally important for students to understand their learning and take responsibility for it due to the conversations and reflections that these numbers allow. Over the next week, for example,  Crew will ask themselves:

  • which part of my conduct in lessons has made my HOWLs increase/decrease/stay the same?
  • why has my academic grade increased/decreased/not changed?
  • what do I need to do to increase my HOWLs/academic grade?

I’d like to reiterate how proud I am of Crew and the work that they produce. However, most importantly, it’s the support and friendships that have been made within Crew which have made us such a powerful team.

Harvey inadvertently created a Crew catchphrase which fits this moment perfectly: huzzah and hurrah!