7 Pioneer Work Hard and Get Smart

This week in HUMAN, 7 Pioneer started a source analysis of an image relating to the abolition of the slave trade. The students looked deeply into the image focusing on the messages that are created from the body language and facial expressions of the characters in the image.

We then zoomed out to place this image in the wider context of the time  – exploring the purpose of the image, the audience it was intended for and the consequences it had for society.

Next, we began the drafting process – all students worked exceptionally hard at this. Sometimes I forget how young these students are, their conduct reminds me of being back at university with the level of focus, hard work and determination they have to achieve the highest standard possible in their work. It’s a fantastic environment to be in when 7 Pioneer are ‘on fire’ as we say!

The next step is for students to ‘Get Smart’ – one of our Howls which requires students to  ‘welcome feedback and revise their work’. I have responded to each students first draft – acknowledging what they have done well and providing questions and comments to allow them to improve on certain areas. When writing their final answer, by taking this feedback into account they will be well on their way to greatness!